60 Affirmations For Job Success

Affirmations For Job Success
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It’s not uncommon to feel unconfident at work.

Maybe you just started a new job in your field or you changed or are looking to change careers entirely.

Such a transitional change can be very difficult and anxiety-inducing. After all, you’re now working with a whole new set of people, your environment is different, or you’re taking on new responsibilities that are totally new to you.

Or maybe you’re just struggling with feeling confident in your role at your current situation at work.

To help give yourself some confidence and boost your motivation to do well at work, you can practice affirmations for job success.

This daily practice can positively alter your thoughts and actions, which will ultimately inspire you to be the best version of yourself and lead you to success at work.

affirmations for work success

Why You Should Practice Affirmations For Career Success

Practicing affirmations can create a positive feedback loop that can help realize your goals and dreams into existence.

This follows the law of attraction, which suggests that positive thoughts bring more positivity.

On the other hand, it also means that negative thoughts bring further outcomes that are more negative.

If you often tell yourself negative statements such as…

I’m not as smart as my co-workers.

I don’t feel confident or capable of doing this task.

I’m not good enough to be promoted.

…these types of thoughts can create limiting beliefs that negatively impact your self-confidence, your decision-making processes, and actions day in and day out at work.

And when it comes down to it, these limiting beliefs can greatly affect your potential job trajectory.

The thing is, these are all just thoughts and they aren’t real facts.

To counter these negative thoughts and stories that aren’t serving you, you can work on re-training your brain to have a different mindset.

Affirmations are powerful positive statements that can help you reduce limiting beliefs that hold you back from your true potential. They can empower you to take back control of your actions so you can manifest a better outcome.

They are great reminders of just how smart and capable you are and that you can achieve all the career goals you set for yourself.

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Ways To Start Practicing Positive Affirmations For Success At Work

Affirmations can lead to great positive changes in your life.

However, changes take time as the mind needs to start getting into the habit of going against that negative voice in your head.

Affirmations aren’t going to fix these thoughts overnight.

You can’t just say these statements to yourself once or twice and hope that you’ll easily accomplish all your career goals.

They need to become a part of your self-care routine.

And even then, you still need to do the work by having specific goals, having a plan of attack and taking the appropriate actions to get the results you desire.

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Morning Affirmations For work success

A great way to prime your mind at the start of your work day is to follow a morning routine where you practice saying these affirmations.

Why is the morning such a great time?

Well, a new day is a fresh start. Think of it as a small little reset from the previous day.

You can say these morning affirmations to yourself in front of the mirror or listen to an audio track and then repeat them back to yourself.

You are telling yourself right in the morning that you are a capable person with the skills, willpower, and drive to do well at your job.

You’re also reminding yourself that the present actions you take throughout the day will shape your future.

affirmations for success at work

Write Them In A Journal

If you like to physically write on paper, you can write your affirmations out in a journal before bed. This is a great addition if you already write regularly to document your thoughts and feelings.

Writing things down is great because because you can always reference these statements at a later time.

It’s a nice way to look back on what you were working on yourself weeks, months, or years ago down the line.

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Choose Statements That Resonate With You

It’s important to choose affirmations that speak to you and that you believe can be or are true.

It’s not going to do you any good if you repeat these to yourself without really visualizing what they mean because you’d just be wasting your time.

Use your imagination if that helps you visualize yourself as a successful and capable person in your job role.

Then choose a few from this list that you want to focus on. You don’t need to say all of these if they don’t apply to you.

If you don’t think that these affirmations are true yet, you can always add an “I believe” statement before them for now as you work through them.

affirmations for career success

60 Daily Affirmations For Work Success

1. I am creating my dream career.

2. I am open to new work opportunities.

3. My dream job is on its way to me.

4. I am happy at work.

5. I start every workday with positivity.

6. Great things are happening to me.

7. I am achieving all my career goals.

8. Doors are opening up for me.

9. I am a proactive worker.

10. I am in control of my career success.

i am in control of my career success - affirmation cards

11. The Universe is sending me great opportunities.

12. I’ve got this.

13. I work hard and get rewarded.

14. I attract amazing career opportunities.

15. I take control and make decisions that are best for me.

16. My career aligns with my values.

17. I am ready to receive any challenges my job gives me.

18. I am passionate about my career.

19. I am a valued person at work.

20. I am worthy of having my dream career.

i am worthy of having my dream career - affirmation cards

21. I am compensated well for the great work I do.

22. My career brings me meaning.

23. I’m a go-getter.

24. I am constantly learning and growing.

25. I am an inspiration to others at work.

26. I am thankful for my job.

27. I take action every day toward reaching my work goals.

28. I ask for help when I need it.

29. I am trustworthy.

30. I am a magnet for job success.

i am a magnet for job success - affirmation cards

31. My job is important to me and I take it seriously.

32. I am capable.

33. I am grateful for my career.

34. I am smart.

35. I am worthy of a career that fulfills me.

36. I am fulfilled by my work.

37. I am a leader.

38. I learn from the problems that arise at work.

39. I am learning every day and expanding my knowledge.

40. I am dedicated to achieving work success.

i am dedicated to achieving work success - affirmation cards

41. I think outside of the box when there are problems.

42. I am calm, confident, and natural at job interviews.

43. I do not give up.

44. I speak clearly.

45. I choose to react positively when I am faced with challenges.

46. I have the power to create a work-life that inspires me.

47. I attract career opportunities with ease.

48. I am the author of my journey to success.

49. My talents will bring me many career blessings.

50. I am in charge of my career happiness.

i am in charge of my career happiness - affirmation cards

51. I am letting go of my anxiety and fear.

52. I am unique and have something to offer.

53. I am productive with my time.

54. I am ambitious and can make my career dreams come true.

55. I am an inspiring mentor to my work colleagues.

56. I am worthy of taking breaks at work to recharge.

57. I am confident to speak up at work.

58. I have a positive impact on the people around me.

59. I strive to do my best every single day.

60. I believe in my talents.

By practicing these affirmations day by day, you’ll be inspired to do your very best at work, remind yourself that your job is rewarding, and open yourself to the Universe to receive great work opportunities and blessings that may come your way.

positive affirmations for job success

More Affirmations For Success

What are some positive affirmations for job success that speak to you? Let me know in the comments!

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