How To Create A Calm And Relaxing Space At Home

How To Create A Calm Space At Home
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Being in an environment where you feel relaxed and at peace is really important in order to be productive and happy.

If you find that you’re constantly feeling overwhelmed or stressed out when you’re in a certain space, take a look at your environment. 

What do you see?

Is your space cluttered with stuff that you don’t need?

Do you feel anxious and not at ease?

In today’s post, I’ll be talking about 8 ways to create a more calm and relaxing environment in your home or office so you can feel less stressed, more happy, and at peace.

create a peaceful home

1. Get Rid Of Clutter

Clutter is the enemy of productivity. If you’re prone to hoarding things, you might want to think again and start decluttering.

I know when I’m in a room full of things that serve no purpose but just take up space, it can feel extremely suffocating.  I can’t seem to sit still or stay focused at whatever the task is at hand that I’m doing.

If you feel anxious in a busy and cluttered room, simplify your surroundings by either donating away things that you don’t need anymore or selling them.

Try to be as minimalistic as possible and only put things that serve a purpose and are absolutely necessary into that space.

You’ll feel more at ease and less anxious when the area is more open.

Declutter & Simplify Digital Spreadsheet

declutter & simplify spreadsheet

Clear your space, take back control of your life, and start thriving with my easy-to-use Digital Declutter & Simplify Spreadsheet.

Why This Spreadsheet Will Transform Your Decluttering Journey

You’ll be able to:

  • Feel empowered to reclaim your space, find peace, and fall in love with your home again.
  • Skyrocket your productivity by removing distractions and creating an environment that inspires focus.
  • Simplify your home with actionable tools that make decluttering straightforward and stress-free.

Start making your home a clutter-free space today!

declutter and simplify digital spreadsheet

2. Organize The Room

Once you’ve gotten rid of clutter, tidy up everything that is left and organize your furniture in a way that will allow for more open space.

Use drawers, filing cabinets, closets, and storage units (such as an ottoman) to your advantage.  You want to store and hideaway things that you need frequently but still be able to access them easily when you need them.

When you feel like everything is functioning and in order, you’ll be able to focus better and get into a better state of flow.

organized bedroom

Need more guidance on how to create an organized home? You’ll want to check out the Organized Home Course. This course will help you create a practical system to make your home life more manageable and arrange your home so that things stay organized.

Check out my other posts on things to help organize your room in a pretty but functional way:

3. Paint The Walls

beige room with green plants in dining room

This is something that you might overlook, but the color of the walls that you’re in the most frequently can really change up the feel of your environment.

Imagine you were always in a room that had a busy wallpaper with a ton of details and the paint color was a bright neon or red color.  This can easily make the room feel too stimulating and it can keep you stuck in a feeling of anxiety and agitation.

Now imagine a room that has walls that are a plain but soft color.  This invokes feelings of calm, peace, and tranquility instead which is exactly what we want.

Choose relaxing colors and tones such as soft blues, greens, rich and light purples, greys, whites, and beiges and try to avoid colors such as reds, crimsons, oranges, and yellows.

Just a simple change like that can transform the feel of your room and how you feel.

Add Some Wall Art

Don’t forget that you don’t have to leave your walls bare.  You can always add a little something extra to the walls to tie everything together.

The best thing is that you can easily change it up when seasons change or if you just plainly feel like it.

birch and snow wall muralBirch Snow Wall Mural

Here are some places to get great calming wall art ideas for every room.  Choose from wall art prints, wall murals, wallpaper, and more.

4. Use Aromatherapy

bottle on a window sillbottle on a window sill

If you’re looking to create a calm environment that brings you stress relief, I highly recommend incorporating aromatherapy into your home.

Aromatherapy uses essential oils to promote wellbeing and helps with both emotional and physical health.

It has so many benefits including managing your stress and anxiety levels, boosting your immunity, helping manage pain, and so much more.

There are many ways to use essential oils but some of the most popular way is to add them to lotions, carrier oils, and diffusing them using an essential oil diffuser.

One thing you don’t want to do is to apply them to your skin directly!

Using an essential oil diffuser is one of my favorite ways to add essential oils the room and bring a relaxing vibe.

saje diffuserSaje Essential Oil Diffuser

5. Change Up the lighting

Changing the lighting in a room can have a huge affect on the way you feel in that space.

Here are some of my favorite ways to really change the way you feel in the room without too much work.

Himalayan Salt Lamp

himalayan salt lamp

A Himalayan salt lamp is a great way to create a nice relaxing ambience in any room at night.

It’s basically a lamp where a lightbulb is placed into large pieces of pink Himalayan salt and it emits a beautiful warm glow to the room.

These Himalayan salt lamps are really popular nowadays because they claim to provide health benefits such as improving the air quality in your home, boosting your mood, as well as helping you sleep better.

However, these claims aren’t proven though so keep that in mind if you’re looking to add one to your home.


Another great way to add a nice ambiance to the room and calm the senses is to light up some candles.

Not only are these great to help provide some light in a room, they smell really great too if you pick a scent that you really like that relaxes you.

Here are some of my favorite picks:

stress relief soy candleStress Relief Soy Candle

Turn On The Fireplace

electric fireplace

If you have a fireplace in your home, light it up and watch as it changes up the ambience of the room.

If you don’t like the idea of having to use or install a real fireplace, an electric fireplace works just as well.

Natural Sunlight

kitchen with lots of sunlight

During the day, add more sunlight to help create a feeling of openness and joy.  Open up any curtains or blinds that you might have to let the natural sunlight peak in. 

6. Add some greenery

greenery and plants on a table

One of my favorite ways to transform any space into a calm place of zen is to add greenery.

Add fake or real succulents, plants or flowers, cactus, terrariums, or whatever floats your boat to your space and you’ll feel more at ease.

Adding plants can help purify the air and are scientifically proven to reduce depression and anxiety. Having them around in your home is a great way to boost your mood.

Faux Potted Fiddle Leaf Fig TreeFaux Potted Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees

    7. Put On Calming Music

    Another great way to instantly change up your room’s atmosphere and put you into a nice, relaxed mood is to put on some calming music. 

    Think of the type of music that a spa or a yoga studio plays.

    From light jazz, lo-fi, classical, ambient music, to instrumentals, find genres that bring you comfort and peace.

    Next, curate your own Spotify playlist (or search for a playlist that already exists) or stream songs on Youtube.

    8. Put Your Electronics Away

    Last but not least, remove any electronics from the room such as cell phones or TVs.

    These can be a huge distraction and can make you feel like you’re always on edge or need to be up to date on notifications.

    If you find that you’re constantly looking at your phone, take a last look before entering your space of calm and then just forget about it for a set period of time after. 

    Give yourself a break – any notifications or emails you’ve received will be there when you get back!

    More Ways To Create A Happy Space At Home

    make your home a place of zen

    What are some things you do to create a relaxing space at home? Let me know in the comments!


    1. Ashley Firth says:

      I really need to follow your advice here. My bedroom and my workspace are both filled with clutter. This undoubtedly affects not only my productivity but also my ability to properly rest, Thank you for sharing this really useful post. xxx

    2. Mel Telford says:

      Great tips! I definitely need to add aromatherapy to my calm corner. It would totally bring a new element of relaxation into the mix. Thanks for this ✌?

    3. Having a room that smells good it’s essential to relax

    4. This was such a good article! I recently did one on 10 things that may help soothe your anxiety and a lot of these would help those with that as well! Will save for later!

    5. Crystal @ Dreams, etc. says:

      I’m all about decluttering! If something is taking up space or doesn’t have a place I donate it. Someone else might give it more love than I will. Also, aromatherapy has been huge for me recently. I love how certain scents make me feel more calm and relaxed.

    6. Leah Stauffer says:

      I love painting the walls white. Using lavender essential oils are
      the best for me too!

    7. Bre @ Bre Pea says:

      I absolutely can’t feel relaxed in a cluttered and disorganized space. And I love your tip about putting the electronics away!

    8. I love the idea of decluttering and fresh sunlight!! I feel like just having the sun coming through the windows instantly makes me feel better!

    9. Kylie Holliman-Rivera says:

      These do make a difference! I moved my desk by the window to get some natural light, and view the greenery outside! And when I have less clutter on my desk, along with the room being clean and organized makes such a difference!! I really need to try the aromatherapies, I think that will take my space up a notch.

      1. Yes, the little things do really make a difference! 🙂

    10. Now I want to paint all of my walls white and fill each room with plants! The images you used in this post were even relaxing- got me into the right mindset. I’m going to add a diffuser to the mix – my home office needs that element.

    11. Barbara Burton says:

      Oh, yes. Right in time for Spring. Thanks so much.

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