How To Stay Motivated To Reach Your Goals

Ever wonder what it takes to be successful?
Time, consistency, hard work and motivation are all key ingredients that are needed in order to achieve a goal.
Something that I’ve always struggled with in the past was finding this drive within to keep myself motivated.
It’s easy to get excited about a new project or goal. But it’s even easier to lose motivation if you don’t set your mind on completing it, if you feel overwhelmed, sidetracked, or run into obstacles.

You see this happening all the time when people set their new year’s resolutions. They become very optimistic about a whole list of things that they want to change about themselves at the start of the new year.
The perfect example of the situation above is the great increase in gym-goers at the beginning of a new year.
Gyms are fully packed in January and February but as the months pass by, they start to empty out. Many people start lacking the motivation and consistency to go. Finally, they eventually stop working out altogether.
8 Ways To Stay Motivated To Reach Your Goals
Whether you want to ace your biology exam in school, complete a personal project at home, lose 50 pounds, or land your dream career, you need the patience, the right mindset, and the persistence to get there.
Here are 8 ways to stay motivated to reach your goals.

1. Always have a clear goal in mind
It’s hard to find motivation and continuously feel inspired unless you have a clear and achievable goal in mind.
You don’t want to set an unrealistic goal so far-fetched that you’ll just procrastinate and not work towards it at all.
To make sure you’re setting the right kind of goals, you’ll want to set up S.M.A.R.T. goals.
Read all about what S.M.A.R.T. goals are in my post here.

Level Up & Become Your Best Self This Year
Grab your free list of goal ideas you can start working towards today right to your inbox.
For example, I wanted to go to the gym more regularly this year.
In order to actualize my desire to exercise more but not overwhelm myself and discourage myself from achieving it, I set a specific schedule for myself that was realistic and tangible.
I set 3 to 4 days a week as my goal because I knew it was doable and it wasn’t an excessive amount of time. I also set very specific fitness goals of how I wanted to improve my body.
It’s important to set your goals but of course, just having a goal in mind is not going to help you achieve your dream or reach your goals.
The hard part is taking the time to lay out what you need to do step by step and actually putting in the hours consistently to get there.
In order to keep you on track, I recommend that you get a planner that will help guide you every step of the way.
Check out my Goal Setting Planner For 2025. This planner will help get you on track to reaching all your goals this year and be more productive.
Like using digital spreadsheets more? You can check out my easy to use, all-in-one Goal Planner & Tracker Spreadsheet.
What You’ll Get In The Goal Setting Planner
2. Get Excited & Find inspiration
One way to stay motivated about your end goal is to become excited about it. Excitement helps to fuel hard work and can help you stay on track even when you aren’t feeling like working that day.
You can find inspiration from different channels and outlets, both online and offline. Here are some examples below.

Read autobiographies of successful or famous people
Reading about others who have achieved something similar to what you are trying to accomplish can really help keep you inspired and motivated.
If you’re not really into reading, you can still get inspired by listening to audiobooks. Click here if you’re interested in trying Audible and you’ll get 1 free audiobook with my link.
Follow a person or organization that inspires you
Follow and keep up with blogs or social media platforms (such as on YouTube, Facebook, etc) who are publicly documenting how they are achieving a similar goal to you.
Subscribe to relevant magazines, articles, or newsletters
Keeping up with what’s new and popular in magazines, articles, and blogs can help keep you informed and inspired.
Create an inspiration board
Cut out pictures or quotes from magazines and newspapers and create a visual board that you can refer to when you’re feeling uninspired.
You can also add art prints that bring about feelings of positivity and motivation to your board.
Speak with like-minded individuals
You never know what you might learn from talking with others and you may gain new insights and ideas.
To feel inspired, I like to follow fitness-oriented individuals who document their workouts and meal preps so that I become excited and motivated to see personal results when I go to the gym.
Read Books On Self-Improvement
Whatever goal you are trying to reach, read books written by the experts on the subject.
You’ll find golden nuggets of advice and find the inspiration within yourself to accomplish what you need to do to get there.
Get a list of 25 must-read books for self-improvement in this post.

3. Find a friend with a common goal and work towards it together
Having a friend or buddy to keep each other motivated is a win-win situation.
Not only will you and your friend both help each other reach your goals, but it can also strengthen your friendship as you build rapport and experience new things with one another.
A great example is finding a gym buddy who has the same fitness goals as you so you can push each other to go to the gym even if you aren’t feeling like going that day.

4. Take baby steps one day at a time
Keeping in mind what you want to achieve is necessary but sometimes it can feel extremely overwhelming if you only focus on the fact that you have yet to reach your destination.
If you feel anxious or overwhelmed by everything you haven’t done yet, calm down and take a deep breath. Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day.
If you continue to work hard and take baby steps one day at a time, eventually all of these steps will add up and you will see results.

5. Keep a diary or log to track your progress
Sometimes you can’t see all of the small achievements that you have already accomplished because what you still haven’t achieved clouds your vision.
A great way to help you to continue to feel motivated is keeping a documentation of what you have done, whether in virtual form or physically, like a planner designed to help you reach all your goals.
When you see all the hard work you put into working towards your goal and the crazy amount of progress you have made, you will feel great about yourself.

Crush Your Goals In 2025
Get closer to reaching all your goals this year with the 2025 Goal Setting Planner.
Continuously review this log weekly, monthly, and yearly so that you can see all that you have accomplished. It’ll make you feel excited about how much more you can achieve and it can help push you even harder.
Reviewing this log frequently can also help you evaluate what changes you need to make in order to be more efficient. You may discover a missing step that can help you achieve your goal faster and easier.
Doing these things allow you to see which areas you’ve worked on and to evaluate what you need to change in order to improve yourself.

6. Switch up your routine or environment to stay motivated
Sometimes being in the same environment and completing repetitive tasks day in and day out can make you feel like you’re stuck in a rut.
Switching up your surroundings to change your routine can enlighten you and bring you a new perspective.
For example, if you work or study at home all day, go to the library or a cafe instead to switch your environment up.
Or if you work at a cubicle at your office or have your own home office, find ways to decorate your desk so that it brings you happiness and inspires you to be as productivity and creativity as possible.
7. Take a break when you need to recharge

Always find a way to take a break and recharge yourself when you feel like you’re burning out or feeling that things aren’t working out.
Find something to take your mind off of it temporarily. If that means taking a mini vacation, going out with friends for drinks, or going to the spa to get a facial, do it.
Always take time out of your day to focus on practicing self-care because your mental and physical health are important.
Once you come back, you should feel more refreshed and ready to take on what needs to be done.

Change Your Life Today With these Goals
Get your free list of goal ideas you can start working towards straight to your inbox. Start working towards your dream life today!
8. Don’t be discouraged if you fail
Failing isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Many successful people fail at first but then pick themselves up again until they succeed.
They learn what works and what doesn’t work for them until they find the best path to achieve their goal.
Let your failures motivate you to reach your goal. Persistence is key!

If you are trying to accomplish a goal, keep pushing on to find creative ways to continue motivating yourself.
Find a way to de-stress and take a break to clear your mind if you feel overwhelmed or need to recharge and remember to keep practicing daily self-care.
Become inspired and excited to reach your goal by working hard and being consistent. Success will follow.
Don’t forget to check out my other posts on goal setting and being more productive with your day:
- 100 New Year’s Goal Ideas + Why Should You Set Goals This Year
- How To Slay Your Goals This Year & Get Sh*t Done
- 55 Affirmations For Getting Stuff Done
- 25 Kick-Ass Planners You Need To Get Organized
- 8 Things You Need To Do Before 9 AM For A More Productive Day
- How To Be More Productive When You Work From Home
- 6 Ways To Start The Week Off Right Every Sunday
- 30 Productive Things To Do Before Bed Instead Of Watching Netflix
- How To Stay Healthy And Sane When You Work At A Desk Job
- 25 Self-Improvement Books To Read This Year
- How To Stop Procrastinating Once And For All
What are some ways that help you to stay motivated? Feel free to share!
What a lovely post! I love the idea of leaning on a friend for motivation. They are great for when you need support. Finding inspiration or a role model has helped me drastically too. Thanks!
I totally agree! Thanks for reading ?
These were some brilliant tips, I sometimes lack motivation, but I do quiet a few of these things to get myself going again! x
Han |
Thanks Han! Glad these tips were helpful! ?
I wish I had a friend who had similar goals as me. I spend a lot of time alone and it’s hard to get motivated sometimes. These are great tips and I think inspiration and motivation is a big factor for me. Great post!
Thanks Rikki! You can try to find someone who has similar goals to you online. Maybe join some Facebook groups with similar likeminded individuals like yourself and go from there!
Awesome post full of great tips to stay motivated! I have a HUGE problem procrastinating, so I find a little bit of action each day (working toward each of my goals a little bit every single day) definitely helps me stay on track. Thanks!
Thanks Brit! I like your idea of doing bits little everyday to reach your bigger goal! Thanks for sharing 🙂
These tips are really awesome. I usually read stories about successful people, and seeing how they overcame their hardships makes me want to work even harder! Thank you for a very lovely post!
Thank you, Dilek 🙂 I love reading other people’s success stories too – definitely keeps me motivated!
These tips were so helpful! Thank you for sharing.