How To Keep Fit When You Travel

How to keep fit when your travel
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It’s that time of year again.

The sun is shining, the weather is nice, and many of us are taking time off work to go on vacation and travel the world with friends, family, and loved ones.

Traveling is great and all – with new sights, delicious food, and great company – but a lot of times we tend to neglect our bodies by over-indulging and not regularly exercising while we’re on vacation.

Not only that but often times we don’t even get the chance to work out because we just don’t have the right workout equipment or time to exercise due to a schedule jam-packed with activities.

Whatever the excuse may be, exercising should be a priority to promote good health regardless if you’re on vacation or not.  In today’s post, I’ll be talking about 8 tips on how to stay in shape and keep fit when you travel.

Traveling is a lot of fun but we tend to neglect our bodies by over-indulging and not regularly exercising while we're on vacation. Here are 8 tips on how to stay in shape, make exercising a priority, and keep fit when you travel. | stay fit | healthy habits | summer body | get in shape #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnesstips #fitnessgoals #traveltips #travel #traveling #workout #exercise #healthylifestyle #health #wellness

8 Ways To Keep Fit When You Travel

gym attire

1.  Pack pre-workout, protein powder, and workout attire.  Before heading out on your trip, don’t forget to pack pre-workout, some protein powder, as well as workout clothes (Forever 21 has really cute gym attire!), a glass water bottle, and running shoes.

There’s a very small chance you will be able to wash your clothes if you’re going on a trip (unless you do it by hand) so always pack enough gym clothes!

2.  Bring your own equipment.  You can also pack and bring your own lightweight equipment on your trip.  One great piece of equipment I recommend that you bring that is versatile and lightweight for multiple types of workouts and stretches is a resistance band.

I would probably leave any dumbbells and yoga mats at home because they are not very travel-friendly especially with today’s weight restrictions for luggage on airplanes.

3.  Use your hotel gym. The very first thing I like to do before I even go on vacation is to know if my hotel will have a gym.  Having a gym with proper equipment such as a treadmill, elliptical, weights, etc in your hotel makes working out a breeze.

All you have to do is to find the time to go! I suggest getting up early in the morning or going late at night to get your workout in without missing out on the day’s activities.

4.  Use your own bodyweight. If your hotel doesn’t have a gym, a great way to add a workout to your day is to just exercise in your hotel room.

If you normally use weights at the gym, do body-weight exercises instead if you’re lacking the equipment.  Some of my favorite bodyweight exercises that help keep me toned and defined when I’m out of the country are burpees, squats, and push-ups.

watch youtube workout videos on a laptop

5.  Follow workout videos.  Another great way to get motivated and follow some guidance is to follow workout videos.

You can use fitness apps such as Sworkit which will guide you through workouts wherever you are.

You can also follow YouTube workout videos.  Some of my favorite channels that are informative and motivating that you can check out are POPSUGAR Fitness, YogaTX, and Blogilates.

I also really enjoy working out to Beachbody programs (my favorite is Turbo Jam!) for cardio.

6.  Join a class. If you’re vacationing at a resort, what better way to meet some of your fellow neighbors, enjoy the sunshine, and get some exercise in by joining a class.

Many resorts have an itinerary of activities available every day of the week such as aquafit in the pool, tai chi, yoga, and more!  Join a class and get moving!

girl stretching outside

7.  Run outside. If you’re unable to find a gym or work out in your hotel room, a great way to keep fit on your vacation is to run outside or take a hike.  It’s totally free!  You might even be able to enjoy some sightseeing along the way.

Just make sure you stay hydrated and keep track of where you are so you know how to get back to your original destination and hotel.

blueberries in a jar

8.  Don’t over-indulge. Last but not least, be mindful of what you’re putting in your body and eat healthily.

Vacation is all about letting loose, having fun, and letting the stress melt away!  But don’t neglect your body just because you’re not at home anymore.

Eat lots of fruits and veggies in your diet.  It’s fine to have a few cheat meals here and there but if you’re going to be overeating and having cheat meals the entire time you’re on vacation, it will lead to weight gain!

You don’t have to put working out on the back burner when you’re on vacation! I hope you enjoyed these 8 tips on how to stay in shape while you travel. Enjoy the sun and safe travels!

Looking for more posts on how to start a healthier lifestyle this year?  Check out these posts:

Traveling is a lot of fun but we tend to neglect our bodies by over-indulging and not regularly exercising while we're on vacation. Here are 8 tips on how to stay in shape, make exercising a priority, and keep fit when you travel. | stay fit | healthy habits | summer body | get in shape #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnesstips #fitnessgoals #traveltips #travel #traveling #workout #exercise #healthylifestyle #health #wellness

What are some ways you like to keep fit when you travel?


  1. Sara Flanagan says:

    Such fantastic advice! It really isn’t as hard as it seems to continue your workout routine while you’re traveling. It’s so important we have reminders like these this time of year. And I love your video suggestions! I’m also a huge fan of the Fitness Marshal. He always has me laughing while I’m working it ^^.

    Thanks for the awesome tips.

    Health and love,


    1. Thanks Sara. I haven’t heard of Fitness Marshal before. I might need to check it out!

  2. We do a lot of walking when we travel. It’s just so hard to stay in a routine when we are traveling, so it’s nice to have some ideas for keeping in shape.

    1. Yeah, I agree that it can be hard to stay in a routine during a trip. Walking is a great way to stay in shape when you travel!

  3. Kirsty Hoggons says:

    There are some really great ideas here. I like to walk a lot when I am on holiday, instead of taking transport. Obviously this isn’t always possible but where it is I always enjoy it as I also get to see more of the place!

    1. Walking is a great way to get some exercise in during a trip! 🙂

  4. Cam Bowman says:

    Thanks for sharing! We’re about to leave for three weeks and I know I’ll need to keep going!

  5. Heather Castillo says:

    This is great! I tend to get a little lazy when we go away and vacation shouldn’t be an excuse to stop caring about your body.

  6. This is great. Usually when I travel I am getting so much more walking in – miles! but these are great ways to make sure I stay active on trips.

    1. That’s an awesome way of getting exercise on a trip Jenni 🙂

  7. Me and My Chaos says:

    Thank you! These are such awesome tips for keeping fit even on the go!

  8. Victoria Shari says:

    Great tips! When I take vacations, I typically break from everything (including diets and working out) But I could put the hotel’s fitness gym to use.

    1. Thanks Victoria. A break when needed is always good 🙂

  9. Becca Wilson says:

    This is some really great advice on how to keep your routine when traveling. I know it is still important!

  10. Sheila Price says:

    Great tips! Sometimes we make staying fit more complicated than it needs to be. This just proves that staying fit can be simple!

    1. Yes, staying fit when you’re abroad doesn’t have to be complicated! Thanks!

  11. Tracy Yeager Cleland says:

    I exercise more when I’m on vacation than any other time–our vacations tend to include a lot of walking, much more than I do when I’m at home working.

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